Square is a happenin’ place right now. We’re apparently one of the hot startups in the valley, with general good press and happy users. I’d like to think what we’re through now is the same euphoria that the early employees of Facebook and Google felt when they knew they were onto something monumental, with the best still yet to come.
Increasingly, I’ve been asked by acquaintances and friends-of-friends for referrals and a little help pushing their resumes through the system. I don’t mind, but I wouldn’t say this is really that effective. Instead, I invite these people to lunch.
Obviously, my referral doesn’t mean very much if I haven’t worked the person on a first-hand basis, and even then, unless I care to stake my own reputation on the candidate they’ll have to go through the full interview anyway. I suspect that resume-dropping, even from someone within the company, holds less sway than me (and the referee) would like to believe. Anyway, it’s the wrong way to approach companies like Square.
When I decided to look for a new workplace, I tried something slightly different than my prior job hunts: I spent time learning more about the companies in person, talking to people at the company before I bothered to even start the technical interview process. Sure, a few recruiters were incredulous, but I’ve found that the places that are worth the effort to pursue also want to spend the time to know their candidates.
So if you’re reading this and want to join us, reach out and talk with one of us first. Learn more about what we do, why we’re excited about the products we’re building, and how your interests and passion intersect. Be more than a fly-by-night resume.