
A collection of longer, more in-depth posts representing some of my better writing

Career Advancement in Large Teams

I had a chance to chat with someone who recently joined one of the major tech companies as an engineering manager. Upon settling into their team, they were disappointed to learn that the actual work environment, plus the work itself, is much less…

A Mystery Retrospective

When the COVID shutdowns began and my kids were forced to learn from home, I noticed that they were enamored with this app that taught them STEM concepts. Specifically, the app featured a bunch of videos and activities focused on scientific…

Asian. American?

It’s been really hard to absorb. Think about. Process. And write about, the experience of being an Asian American in the past year. Even before the COVID-related lockdowns began in the United States last March, one of the underreported effects of…

Year in Review — 2020

Argh, this year. I’m hardly original in bidding good riddance to a frustrating and challenging year, though the weight of ongoing pandemic is, in a macabre way, a continual reminder for me to be grateful for continued health and economic…

Review: In Defense of Elitism

After Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and through the duration of his first term as the US President, there have been, by my estimation, at least two new types of literature that have gotten popular, usually in the form of appearance in NYT and…

An Affirm Retrospective

No fine print. It was a few months after I started my new job at Affirm, when I noticed this literally plastered on the hallway walls leading to the company kitchens. Out of our set of company’s values, this principle is particularly…

California’s Wildfire Reckoning

The lengthy, yet just beginning wildfire season in California this year is already exhausting. Starting with the random dry lightning strikes sparking a trio of the largest wildfires our state has experienced on record, it has been one crisis…

Getting to Distributed Teams as the Norm

The COVID-induced crisis is supposedly an accelerant of trends. If so, it seems inevitable that remote and distributed work will be rolled out and truly tested on a broad scale; many companies of the technology persuasion have been announcing…

Organizational Flexibility

Recently, I’ve been helping our company make a handful of business-critical hires for the team, one of which is an open managerial role in our New York office. I’ve long believed that hiring is a core management responsibility, and…